
In 2009, extreme levels of corruption in the Indian government had eventually lead for the people to opt for a judicial system that wasn’t controlled by the criminals themselves. On May 6, 2009 the Investigators were established. The organized started with just 522 members. Today, the Investigators hired around 2000 people across the nation. The members were called Brains, mostly because the minimum IQ required to be eligible to apply was 150.
The Investigators had decent resources and manpower but their authority was very limited in the first few months. The story of their success soon swept across the nation and it wasn’t long before the parliament was forced to pass a bill that extended their power by a small fraction. However the Investigators still weren’t pleased with their legal domain.
Dharmesh Singh had seen his organization carry out over 4000 sting operations and help deliver justice to over a lakh people in the country. Only a few weeks ago they had rescued a CM from kidnappers thus saving more than Rs.200 crore ransom money from the government treasury. They were given little acknowledgement for their success and often incurred heavy losses in a majority of cases but somehow the organization kept on going “for the greater good.”
The Investigators Season-1 follows the adventures of Dharmesh Singh, who handles significance cases in the capital region- New Delhi. One can find clues and hints scattered throughout the posts and predict the ending of a case. If you think that you have tackled a case before Dharmesh or have an unreasonably strong intuition about the criminal, then mention the name of the criminal and the evidence that you have against him/her. If you are correct then you can win prizes like free e-books, e-comics, games and more.

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